The goal of the JT-NM ProAV Technology Roadmap is to build upon established Broadcast audio/video standards to define a practical set of AV-over-IP specifications suitable for wide-spread adoption by the ProAV industry. The roadmap addresses the following areas: Media Transport, System Control, Time Services and Directory Services. While acknowledging that ProAV standards and equipment may be used anywhere, the following definition is used to scope the roadmap:
​The market for audiovisual (AV) communication equipment used in professional, industrial, commercial, and retail environments as a means to communicate with people.
Note that in addition to this roadmap, the JT-NM maintains a list of ProAV User Requirements which may be viewed here.
Examples of ProAV applications include but are not limited to:
AV systems in public or private spaces in business, education, government, hospitality, restaurants, sports venues, including mission-critical systems for evacuation and other kinds of emergency response
AV systems for emergency call centers (e.g. 911 systems) and related control rooms
Digital signage systems
Background music and noise-masking systems
Parliamentary conferencing and simultaneous translation systems
AV systems used for the production of live events for school sports, local government meetings, and other events that are typically supported by non-professional production personnel.
AV systems used in corporate, industrial, health, and educational venues for meetings, training, and meeting room presentation purposes.
Boardroom presentation and teleconferencing systems
AV systems that participate in mass notification systems as defined by, for example, the U.S. National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA).
Secure from the start
Low cost installation/maintenance
Scales to and integrates with broadcast SMPTE ST 2110/AMWA NMOS installations
Compressed/uncompressed video & audio
Simplified timing and infrastructure requirements
Interoperability with existing IP-based broadcast facilities
Open discovery & registration services
Appropriate open control and configuration features
Supports software-only implementations


Access, Authentication & Control Encryption

Uncompressed Video & Audio
ST 2110-20, AES67, AES3
Compressed Video
Open, Freely
Available CODEC
Precise Timing
SMPTE ST 2110-10, ST 2059
Simplified Timing
VSF-TRxxx, Async & Relaxed Timing

Discovery, Registration, Connections
Dynamic Connections
NMOS IS-05 & 07,
Receiver Capabilities, EDID / HPD
Phase 1 focuses on secure control, essence transport, timing, and connection management. The work in this phase consists of identifying existing standards and specifications that can be applied to the A/V over IP effort, and creating new standards and specifications if required. JT-NM stresses the use of existing work over creation of new technology, if possible. As an example, the ProAV user requirements specify simplified timing, as compared to the timing approach currently taken in the SMPTE ST 2110/PTP for professional applications. In this case, the Video Services Forum is developing a document (VSF-TRxxx, Async & Relaxed Timing) which builds on existing standards, but describes how to use those standards to achieve a timing implementation that is simplified.

Copy Protection
HDCP 2.3, VSF TRxxx
Content Encryption
VSF TR-xxx

Forward Error Correction
ProAV Audio Formats

Network Services and Node Behavior
ProAV version of TR-1001-1
Audio channel mapping
Support for Legacy Integration
ARC, CEC, IR Remotes, GPIO, RS-232
Network addressing
Phase 2 builds on basic functionality by adding additional functionality as required by the ProAV user Requirements. As with Phase 1, this phase seeks to identify existing standards and specifications, if possible.


WAN & Internet Compression
Codecs widely implemented in AV-over-IP market
WAN Error Correction
Automated Return Request
(RIST or SRT, tbd)
Access Services
e.g. Closed Captioning SMPTE ST 2110-40 or 41

Training and Certification
Curriculum and AVIXA Renewal Credits
Device / Content Control
Open, public control framework
Registration, Discovery, and Connection with support for Touch Screens
Phase 3 adds elements critical for ProAV WAN applications, and support for access services such as Closed Captioning.
Simple/Relaxed Timing
Support for synchronous and asynchronous sources
No latency penalties
PTP optional/relaxed requirements
Automatic synchronization of audio/video streams
Simple Network Infrastructure & Network Services
In order to facilitate rapid integration and operation of IPMX environments, certain elements of control and management must be implemented using open public APIs and protocols.
Common Elements:
Adding new elements to the environment through semi-automated configuration
Provisioning (reading and changing) certain controls during build-out
Operating (reading and changing) certain controls dynamically
Inventorying the media devices and streams generated by devices
Distributing/Connecting media streams to destination devices
Monitoring (reading) certain operational status values
Reporting certain operational events to a logging system
Maintaining the management system relationship with the devices
Integrating with other enterprise subsystems
Securing access to the management environment and protocols
JT-NM requests that any JT-NM member organizations who undertake technical development of items on this roadmap, take this roadmap into consideration both at the beginning, and again at the conclusion of their projects. JT-NM additionally requests that any significant deliverables be evaluated against this roadmap and the JT-NM ProAV User Requirements.

Jeff Berryman - Bosch
David Chiappini - Matrox
Bruce Devlin - SMPTE
Jack Douglass - Packetstorm
Richard Friedel - Fox Television
Brad Gilmer - AMWA
Hans Hoffmann - EBU
Thomas Kernen - Nvidia
Ievgen Kostiukevych - EBU
Jean Lapierre - Matrox
John Mailhot - Imagine
Karl Paulsen - Diversified
Danny Pierini - Matrox
Bob Ruhl - VSF
Andrew Starks - Macnica
Andre Testra - Matrox
Willem Vermost - VRT
Ethan Wetzell - Bosch
JT-NM thanks the AIMS ProAV Working Group
Initial contribution to JT-NM
Starting point for JT-NM ProAV Technical Roadmap
AIMS ProAV Working Group began in 2018
Surveyed the market to discover use cases and market desire for an open standard
Drafted a marketing roadmap for ProAV
Developed the marketing name IPMX (IP Media eXperience) to promote open AV over IP standards
Continues to promote and evangelize open standards for AV over IP